Best Practice: 1 
Title of the practice: “Bus Transport Facilities”
- To reduce drop out rate.
- To provide affordable and safely transportation facility.
- To save the time of students.
- To improve daily student attendance.
- To create an awareness of education at rural students.
The Context:
Transportation across Vadner Bhairav is not rich. Most of the area is rural and having less access to bus facility. People around Vadner Bhairav belong to the farming profession and have a busy schedule. They seem to be indifferent to allow their daughters for higher education due to such poor transportation.
The college provides transportation facility to the students of remote areas. It connects seventeen villages across the college and covers around 30 km area. The college is benefitted by the parent institution by supporting financial help. The college is providing such a crucial service to the students which has resulted into increasing the strength of the college. The college has three buses which makes the students transportation comfortable. The college follows all road transportation norms. All three buses have CCTV cameras with GPS system and are connected with the computer system and smartphone of the Principal. Not only this but the GPS system of our buses also attached to the smartphones of the parents whose wards travel through our buses.
Features of facility:
- College Development Committee and the college decided to give affordable bus transportation service to the students.
- CCTV Camera and GPS LOCATION for girls’ securities.
- Tracking the bus through a mobile App.
- Time-saving transportation for students.
- Fuel economy and pollution control
Evidence of success:
- Useful for reducing the drop out ratio.
- To maintain the strength of students.
- The consistent increase in the number of users.
- The consistent increase in attending the regular classes.
Problems Encounter and Resources Required:
- Financial adjustment.
- Convincing the rest of the parents
- Consistency in payment from the students
Resources Required:
- More financial support from other sources.
- A special loan from Cooperative and other banks.
- A special grant from the government and the UGC.
Best Practice: 02
Title of the practice: “Social Awareness College Student Rally (Goan Feri)”
- To Identify the Social problem and study it. And create awareness of that problem through students.
- To give a platform for discussion on this social problem.
- To involve the students, teachers and colleagues in social work.
- To promote what is good for society.
The Context:
“Bahujan hitaya, bahujan sukhaya” means “wellbeing and happiness for everyone” is the motto of our parent institute and we are committed to follow it. The college follows the motto by engaging the students in curricular and extracurricular activities. The college organizes rallies on various issues. The college celebrates the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda by organizing youth festival every year. Through such programs students are exposed with social responsibility, social sensibility and social commitment.
The Practice:
The college plans of organizing social rally prior before. The college has formed a special committee for organizing such extension activities. NSS programme officer is appointed as a coordinator to look after the all arrangement of the village rally. All committee members conduct regular meetings and decide the innovative themes, the way, date and time. After the Principal’s consent, the rally is being held as per the schedule. Students and villagers take voluntary part in the rally. Some of the themes of the previous rallies are Save girl child, Beti Bachav-Beti Padhav (Save Girls by Educating them), Farmer suicide awareness, Army encourages rally, Education Awareness rally, health Awareness rally, Clean India Campaign, Yoga, Pandhrapur Warkari Culture, Rural Culture, etc.
The college looks into the success of rally by involving senior citizens and other socially admirable persons from Vadner Bhairav.
Evidence of Success:
- Villagers get attracted towards the Village Rally.
- People take interest in traditional Songs and folk instruments.
- People change their views and opinions about the farmers.
- Participants get motivated with a sense of patriotism and national integration.
- Students tend towards solving the social problems.
- Students get enhanced with their creativity.
- The joint venture creates mutual rapport and bonding.
Problem Encountered:
- Students need to be convinced repeatedly for their participation at the entry-level
- Availability of funds to arrange this activity at the mass level
Resource Required:
- Native support.
- Fundraising from other sources.
- Need to develop more strong affinity between the college and the native villagers